GBF TeachSTEM Master's Scholarship Program

The GBF TeachSTEM Master's Scholarship is a Gokongwei scholarship program that supports practicing educators who want to advance their pedagogical practices and their mastery of STEM.



Active Scholars


Application Deadline

November 28, 2024

GBF TeachSTEM Master's Scholarship Program

The GBF TeachSTEM Master's Scholarship Program aspires to provide practicing educators with opportunities for advancement of critical knowledge to enable them to transform and reform educational practices, policies, and institutions in the future. 

1.  Check your eligibility through this questionnaire  
2.  Once eligible, fill up your application form at the end of the eligibility questionnaire and submit your requirements online. 

3.  Qualified applicants will be invited to a live online exam and panel intervi

List of Priority Courses:  

  1. Master of Arts / Master of Science with areas of concentration in:  

  • Science (General Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics)  

  • Mathematics   

  • Library & Information Science / Data Science    

  • Technology and Home Management  

  • Technical Vocational (with Science and Technology Inclination)   


  1. Master of Arts in Education Management (MAEM)with areas of concentration in:  

  • Educational Leadership / Educational Administration  

  • Curriculum and Instruction  

  • Measurement and Evaluation   

  • Educational Technology  

  • Non-Formal Education / Alternative Learning System  

  • Special Education / Inclusive Education   







Scholars shall receive benefits until graduation from their degree program, subject to compliance with scholarship retention requirements every semester. 

  • Financial Grant (Sent directly to a scholar’s bank account) 

    • State University: 45,000 per year 

    • Private University: 65,000 per year 

  • Scholar Development Programs   

    • Access to capacity-building programs (e.g., leadership development, upskilling, subject content mastery) 

    • Support from a community of educators 

  1. Must have at least one (1) year of teaching experience and currently teaching: 

  • in either a public or private school, with the intent to teach as a K-12 public school teacher of science, math, or any STEM-related subject. 

  • in the tertiary level as instructor or professor of any STEM-related subject or course 

  1. Must be a model of teaching excellence, innovativeness, care for learners, and commitment to serve 

  1. Must be an incoming 1st year or 2nd year student in a master’s degree program in education specializing in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, alternative learning system, tech-voc training, or special education 

  • Ongoing MA student should be currently enrolled with at least six (6) units and must have at least 6 coursework units remaining 

  1. Must have a weighted grade of at least 2.0 or its equivalent from the previously enrolled academic year 

  1. Must be enrolled in GBF partner teacher education institution or a teacher education institution (TEI) within or above the national average LET performance 

  1. Must have no failed, incomplete, or dropped grades from the previous semester 

  1. Must be of good moral standing with no existing disciplinary case 

  1. Must be in need of financial support to complete their studies   

  1. Preferably not a recipient of other scholarships 

  1. Fully accomplished online application form via this link  

  1. Proof of enrollment 

  • Submit certificate of registration for the current semester (1st term AY 24-25) enrolled with at least six (6) units 

  1. Certified true copy of grades from AY 23-24 or College Transcript of Records (for 1st year Master's student)  

  1. Curriculum Prospectus issued by the college/university AND the completed Projected Curriculum PlanTemplate (showing coursework, comprehensive exam and thesis subjects to take after the current term). Template: 

  1. Certificate of employment with starting date, rank, subjects teaching, and salary   

  1. Scanned copy of PRC ID (Licensed Professional Teacher) 

  1. Certificate of STEM-related accomplishments.  

  • This can be any certification showing the applicant's participation and involvement in any STEM-related project or event in, but not limited to, the school where the applicant is employed or his/her local community. 

  1. Proof of residence  

  • Photo of residence, AND  

  • Proof of billing OR barangay certificate  

Kindly visit our FAQ page or email

GBF does not collect fees from scholarship applicants. If you receive suspicious communication claiming to come from GBF, kindly report it to us. Read our full statement. 

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