GBF TeachSTEM College Scholarship

The GBF TeachSTEM College scholarship program supports aspiring educators who want to champion STEM in their schools and communities.



Active Scholars


Application Deadline

November 28, 2024

GBF TeachSTEM College Scholarship

The GBF TeachSTEM College scholarship program supports aspiring educators who want to champion STEM in their schools and communities. This scholarship is for pre-service teachers currently taking Education courses focused on STEM.  

1Check your eligibility through this questionnaire  
2.  Once eligible, fill up your application form at the end of the eligibility questionnaire and submit your requirements online.  
3.  Qualified applicants will be invited to a live online exam and panel interview. 

Scholars shall receive benefits until graduation from their degree program, subject to compliance with scholarship retention requirements every semester. 

  • Financial Grant (Sent directly to a scholar’s bank account) 

    • State University: ₱45,000 per year 

    • Private University: ₱65,000 per year 

  • Scholar Development Programs   

    • Access to capacity-building programs (e.g., leadership development, upskilling, subject content mastery) 

    • Support from a community of educators 

  1. Currently enrolled as 1st, 2nd or 3rd year taking a bachelor’s degree in education with specialization in STEM-related fields, tech-voc training education, or general education. Student scheduled to graduate in AY 2024-2025 are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.  

  1. Must be enrolled in GBF partner teacher education institution (TEI) or enrolled in a teacher education institution (TEI) with LET performance above the national average 

  1. Must have no failed, dropped, or incomplete grades in the previous academic year 

  1. Must have a general weighted average of at least 85% or its equivalent from the previous academic year. 

  1. Has involvement in extracurricular or community activities 

  1. Willing to teach in a public school in their community after graduation 

  1. Must be of good moral standing and have no existing disciplinary case 

  1. Must be in need of financial support to complete studies 

  1. Preferably not a recipient of other scholarships   

  • Proof of enrollment or admission  

    • Submit certificate of registration from the current semester (1st Term AY 24-25) 

  • Certified true copy of grades  

    • If 1st year college, submit SHS Form 138 or Grade 12 True Copy of Grades 

    • If 2nd year and above, submit True Copy of Grades from the previous terms attended for AY 23-24 

  • Official grading system of university or school  

    • This can be any document from the institution showing the transmutation of grades in the university/school. (E.g.: 2.0 = 80%) 

  • Portfolio reflecting one's community involvement and its impact in the community   

    • Link to the portfolio:  

  • Certificate of good moral character from the current year (Dated 2024) 

  • Proof of household income  

    • If applicant has employed parents/guardians, submit one of the following: Certificate of Employment with position and salary, OR latest ITR, OR BIR Form 2316  

    • If applicant has unemployed parents/guardians, submit a BIR Exemption certificate obtained from the BIR Office. 

  • Proof of residence  

    • Photo of residence, AND  

    • Proof of billing OR barangay certificate  

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